Sunday, April 15, 2012

Big T comes through in a Big Way......

I'm thinking we should have called this "Birdie & Sippi's Big Bad Ass Fun Baseball Road Trip"!  I just spoke with my friend from Chicago today.  He may not want to be identified by his really name so maybe we will call him by his initials.  Let's call him Big TP.  Big TP?  Now that does not sound like big fun.  Maybe just Big T is better?

So Big T lives right in Downtown Chi-town.  He has been kind enough to offer us a place to stay while in Chicago and has worked his bullshitting magic and is going to hook us up with tickets to the Cubs-Phillies game(s) and maybe the Cubs-White Sox game(s) too!  When I say Big T is working his bullshitting magic - I mean it as a compliment.  He's a big dude and a big talker and gets big things done.  If Big T tells me he's got us taken care of, then he has us taken care of. 

Big T was a very close friend of my Manfriend Driver (RIP Driver - I miss you).  Big T and I haven't seen each other in 2 years but I have no doubt that it will be just like we haven't missed a beat.

Prepare yourself Chicago cuz crazy is coming to town!


  1. I know this may come as a shock to some people, bit Sippi tells me Big T isn't really a baseball fan... I have made it my sole mission while in Chicago (besides cheering the Cubs to victory) to make sure he has an AMAZING time with two crazy girls at the Mecca of baseball stadiums... the friendly confines, Wrigley Field

  2. Big T will in fact follow 2 girls anywhere - I've seen it. True story.
